In Shosholoza, Scott Brindle seeks to illuminate how men, women, and children live in today’s South Africa. With the formal end of Apartheid over twenty-five years ago, South Africa is still a country marked by stark poverty. In 2015, it was reported that over 50% of South Africans live on less than R1000 [$66 USD] per month and there is a country-wide unemployment rate of over 25% (STATSSA, 2015; OECD, 2019).
Focusing on life in townships in Cape Town, South Africa, Scott gives a glimpse into the poverty still faced by many Black and Coloured South Africans. The families captured in this project depict this poverty but also the resiliency of many people living in post-Apartheid South Africa. With the title Shosholoza making a nod to a popular mining song, this project aims to capture the same hope for the future of the country that is embodied by the meaning of the title: to go forward.